Combined Cholesterol & Glucose Screening
Age 18 years & over. Save $30 on Combo
Service Description
Not eligible for shipping. Has to be performed on site. Age 18 & over only. Complete Onsite Screening test form to learn about additional screening criteria required before performing test in addition to in-person screening before test. English: https://hushforms.com/hillcresttest Spanish: https://hushforms.com/hillcresttest_spanish Your purchase of this product constitutes an agreement that you have read and understood the patient handouts section of this product page. By Appointment only Sample collection time is 10-15min and results typically within 30minutes. Please read the below 2 notices Hillcrest pharmacy & Compounding Notice of privacy Practices https://www.hillcrestrx.com/nopp Hillcrest Pharmacy & Compounding Testing Consent https://www.hillcrestrx.com/testingconsent
Contact Details
1080 West Patrick Street, Unit 10, Frederick, MD 21703 USA